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Committees & Governance

Member committees support the work of the

Mid Valley Association of REALTORS®.

Your involvement makes a difference!

Professional Development

Purpose: Provide opportunities to REALTOR® members to increase their knowledge, skills, and professionalism in order to better serve their clients and customers. Recommend and review education topics, courses, and instructors for live instruction, webinars and designations.

Meeting Schedule: The 2nd Wednesday of each month, 12:00pm to 1:00pm, Virtual. Once per quarter the meeting is held in person at the MVAR office.

Chairperson: Jennifer Molan - Company: Berkshire Hathaway HSREP - Phone: 503.929.6320

Special Events

Purpose: Develops social functions that bring REALTOR® and Affiliate Association members together in a social atmosphere. Plans community service projects. Collaborates with the Community Fund Board to organize the Children’s Christmas party, MVAR Awards Banquet, Annual Member Appreciation BBQ, Soup Wars, food drive and other community efforts. The committee plans for assignment of activities, recruits volunteers, and coordinates other actions necessary for successful events.

Meeting Schedule: The 2nd Wednesday of each month, 9:00am to 10:00am at the MVAR office.

Chairperson: Daylee Howard - Company: Willamette Valley Bank - Phone: 503.763.6346

Government Affairs / RPAC

Purpose: Respond to legislative and political issues of concern to the real estate industry. Interviews candidates for office and assists in determining support from the Association for local elections. Recommends and facilitates RPAC fund contributions to local candidates and recommends and facilitates Issues Mobilization fund contributions to local issues and efforts.

Meeting Schedule: The 1st Tuesday of each month, 12:00pm to 1:00pm at the MVAR office or Virtual.

Chairperson: Nick Williams - Company: SVN Commercial Advisors LLC - Phone: 503.400.7851

Gov. Affairs Director: Selina Barnes - Company: SB Consulting, LLC - Phone: 503.510.0830

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